The Journey to Develop a Great Team
The word team is often identified with any group of people. However, this is not true; a team is a small, closely related group of people focused on achieving clearly defined goals in which all team members are determined to achieve them together.
We have prepared some guidelines summarized by the work of leadership expert and New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell.
1. The Law of Significance
The law of significance explains the importance of the team in relation to the individual “role”. Teamwork has always been essential for great results. The law of significance says that “one” is too small to be important, but at the same time, we have to know that without great individuals there can’t be a great team.
2. The Law of The Big Picture
The law of the big picture indicates that the ultimate goal is far more important than our individual roles in achieving it. In cultures that celebrate and elevate individual successes and where the individual is always fighting for their first places to take responsibility for their actions, people usually lose sight of an important broader picture. Maxwell writes that in order to win, the team must always have a bigger picture in front of them. In other words, if a team wants to achieve something and win, each player must subordinate personal goals to the team’s well-being.

3. The Law of The Niche
Good things happen to a team when a member is dedicated to a niche where he can contribute the most. Great things happen when all the players of a team take on roles that highlight their strengths, talent, experience and skill. When the first team member is in the right place, everyone benefits. Maxwell points out: what an organization achieves is the result of the work and effort of everyone in it. When everyone does the job that suits them best, everyone wins.
4. The Law of Mount Everest
The law of Mount Everest indicates that as the challenge grows, so does the need for teamwork. To climb Mount Everest you have to be an alpinist. Nothing significant can happen if we don’t have a vision. For something really big and important to happen, a really big dream is needed. You need a team to make that dream come true. Interestingly, no one has ever climbed Mount Everest without a team.
5. The Law of The Chain
The law of the chain means that the strength of a team depends on its weakest link. As much as each team measures its successes with its best people, it is true that the strength of a team is determined by its weakest link. No matter how many people try to rationalize, compensate, or hide losses, the weak link will eventually come to the fore. You need to know that weak links, unlike strong ones, are not aware of their weaknesses and flaws. If you are a team leader you cannot avoid a relationship with weak links and you have to handle them appropriately.
6. The Law of The Catalyst
The law of the catalyst says that winning teams have players who can simply make certain things happen. These “players”, regardless of which game they play, have certain characteristics that distinguish them from other players in the team. These are: intuitiveness, communicativeness, passion, talent, creativity, proactivity, responsibility, nobility, influence, etc.
7. The Law of the Compass
The law of the compass amplifies the importance of vision. Every team needs a vision that will set the direction. A team that has no vision is aimless at worst. At best, it is subject to the personal and often selfish priorities of various team members. A team that has a vision is focused, full of energy and confident. Thus, the vision gives members direction and self-esteem.
8. The Law of The Bad Apple
The law of the bad apple points out that a bad attitude destroys a team. If you care about your team and want to help all the members, you can’t and shouldn’t ignore a bad attitude (a bad apple).
9. The Law of Countability
The law of countability says that members should know that they are not working for each other but working together. The formula for the ability to count on each other is: character + ability + commitment + consistency + cohesion = ability to count on each other.

10. The Law of the Price Tag
The law of the price tag says that a team fails to realize its potential when it fails to pay the price. When it comes to the right price tag, there are only two types of teams that break that rule: those who don’t realize what the price of success is, and those who know the price but aren’t willing to pay it. Each person must judge for himself whether the goal is worth the price to be paid. But every person should know what the cost of team success is.
11. The Law of the Scoreboard
Each game has its own rules and definition of victory. Some teams measure their success by the number of points won. But no matter what game it is, there is always a scoreboard to show the results. If a team wants to meet its ultimate goal, it must know what the outcome is. No team can ignore their actual position and situation and win.
Every team needs a scoreboard for several reasons: 1) a scoreboard is needed to see the status of the results; 2) a scoreboard is needed to assess developments and changes; 3) a scoreboard is needed for decision making; 4) a scoreboard is needed for adjustment; 5) a scoreboard is required to win.
12. The Law of the Bench
The law of the bench is a reserve player rule that indicates that it is necessary that great teams have a worthy replacement for every team member. Improve your team. This provides a lot on risk dispersion and paves the way for long-term success.
13. The Law of Identity
The law of identity says that a shared vision and shared values determine the team. If everyone manages to accept the same values, team members can cooperate. Values can help a team become more connected and effective. Values define the team and provide team members, potential members, clients and the audience a unique identity.
14. The Law of Communication
The law of communication is about interaction. Only with good communication can a team succeed. Communication increases commitment and connectivity. If you want your team to operate at a high level, members need to know how to talk to each other. So, in order to create a positive change in an organization, communication and interaction are needed.
15. The Law of the Edge
The law of the edge says that the difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. Leadership means understanding team members, connecting them and getting them to play as a team to reach their potential.
16. The Law of High Morale
If morale is high, it means the team can win. When a team has high morale, its members operate on a whole new level. The team concentrates on its potential, not on the problems. Team members become more committed. They are more confidential and that trust helps them to function at a higher level.
17. The Law of Dividends
Investing in a team almost guarantees a great return on effort, because a team can achieve significantly more than the individual himself. The law of dividends indicates that investing in a team pays off. Everything you invest, especially in people, is a kind of investment that will pay off for you someday.
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