Industrial automation
Workflow Management
Distribute tasks
Automate processes
Intelligent solutions
Clear overview

The central platform for your tasks and processes.

Make your company processes simple and efficient. With our high-performance platform infrastructure, we develop your products faster, more cost-effectively and with less code.

Two dotted circles
Ecosystem of ebiTools product represented in circles.
Ecosystem of ebiTools product represented in circles.ebiInventory logo.ebiTools logo in white.

Easily automate and simplify processes with ebiconnect.

Logo of ebiTime.


Project related time tracking has never been easier.

Logo of ebiCashFlow


Flexible cash flow management becomes quick and easy.

Logo of ebiInventory.


Precise inventory automation and management.

Logo of ebiWork.


Easy planning of work orders. Integrated and clear with simple management.

Logo of ebiBudget.


Budget planning and time recording to use resources purposefully and effectively.

Logo of ebiFinance.


Get all information about the financial condition and proactive solutions.

Simplify complex processes
Save time and energy efficiently
Fulfil set expectations
Optimised decision making
Simplify workflows


We develop high-quality custom-made digital solutions which help you to make optimal business solutions easier, faster, and more efficient. You can also use our advanced applications and programs to simplify the tasks of your employees both in the field and in the office or with access from home.

We help you make things simpler

We always find the optimal path to the maximum result and take you to the destination by the shortest path.

We co-create with you

We listen carefully to your wishes and contribute our ideas based on our expertise.

We think outside the box

Thanks to our intelligent project management and a wide range of our own applications, we successfully solve all challenges.

Do you need technology and software support?

We're here to help.

Tablet and a mobile mockup showing a SaaS product with highlighted features.